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中华眼视光学与视觉科学杂志  2019, Vol. 21 Issue (2): 86-91    DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1674-845X.2019.02.002
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李彧钰1, 朱葛菁1, 徐芳依2, 杨媛媛1, 徐一1, 毛丽萍1, 郑美琴1,2
1温州医科大学附属眼视光医院 温州医科大学眼视光学院 生物医学工程学院 325027;
2温州医科大学检验医学院 生命科学学院 325035
Effects of Fe3+ and Hemoglobin Iron on the Growth Ability of Bacillus Cereus Isolated from the Eye
Yuyu Li1, Gejing Zhu1, Fangyi Xu2, Yuanyuan Yang1, Yi Xu1, Liping Mao1, Meiqin Zheng1,2
1Eye Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University, School of Ophthalmology and Optometry, Biomedical Engineering, Wenzhou 325027, China;
2School of Laboratory Medicine and Life Sciences, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325035, China

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